B2B Website Design Guide: 11 Tips To Create An Attractive And Converting B2B Website In 2021

Businesses that are into the B2C market might stumble upon various website design tips and techniques that can help them to create highly converting and lucrative website designs for their business. But if you are in the professional service industry (B2B market) then you must be aware of the fact that the market is highly competitive and your B2B website design plays an important role in driving traffic and conversion. That is the reason why B2B businesses look to hire an experienced WordPress web design company to help them create an attractive, engaging and professional website design. 

Unlike B2C websites, your website design will be viewed by decision-makers and savvy users so it’s important to present an attractive and professional-looking website design. Because a small bad impression can drive them away from your website. But it all comes down to one question: how to create an attractive website design for B2B businesses?

If you are scrolling the internet at the same time then you have landed on the right article where we are going to highlight every small detail about what B2B business should care about website design? And how they can create an attractive B2B website design that makes you look professional and encourages buyers to take action either by calling your sales team or directly making the purchase from your website.  

Table Of Content: 

An Overview Of B2B Website Design 


Today offering an attractive and interactive website design has become one of the essential aspects to get online success. Mainly in the B2C website business need to offer an intuitive, attractive and relatable website design that grabs the user’s attention and encourages them to perform the desired action. But when it comes to B2B business websites carry a lot of responsibilities that can never be compromised by offering a bad website design. 

Earlier B2B markets used to be less competitive but nowadays millions of B2B businesses are shifting to online platforms, some of the new ones are getting started every month, and others are already dominating the marketplace. Many statistics indicate that a buyer (mainly in the B2B businesses) searches for more than 8 to 12 businesses before they start interacting with a particular website. That is the reason why B2B businesses look to hire an experienced WordPress web design company for their business. 

So no matter how much effort and time you are spending in creating a customer retention strategy for your business it’s important to have an effective B2B website design. There is a misconception among B2B businesses that their business model is different from other businesses. Many B2B businesses think that no user will stumble on the SaaS website, look at the content on the website and make the final purchase. 

According to them, the B2B customer is more into investing some good amount of money and taking an increased risk so that they need to speak with the salesperson or the agent before they make their decision. Yes, it’s true that B2B customers like to speak to an executive before they make their purchase but that doesn’t mean your website design should act as a static brochure.  

Even though your website may not be involved in the physical exchange of money or creating a contract, it will always act as the front door of your business. If you fail to grab your potential customers in the beginning, then there are high chances that even after interacting with your website and salesperson there will be some part that will discourage them to perform the final action. 

If you are already running a B2B company website we recommend spending time and reassess the website design to ensure that it stays updated, on the top, and truly relevant to your target audience. Keeping that in mind our highly experienced WordPress website design company created this article to help B2B business owners to defy the best web design practices that they can follow in 2021 to make their B2B company website look more professional, attractive, and most importantly engaging. 

Why B2B companies should focus on website design?


Before we start highlighting different web design tips that you can consider while creating your website design it is essential to understand why B2B companies should focus on website design. Many B2B businesses are active in offline marketing but with the increase in the competition and costing it has become essential for B2B businesses to create and offer an attractive website design. 

Over the past years, B2B company website designs have set the bar higher making the market competitive the same as B2C. Earlier B2B websites used to limit their design by just creating and offering important content. But not both B2B and B2C customers expect to get the best user experience and high-end designs. There are many statistics that indicate most of the decision-makers like the CEOs, CMO’s and more like to get information about a particular company from the website, not through any landing pages (appearing on paid ads). 

That is the reason why it is essential for B2B business to have a funny functioning research-based website design. Despite many website builder tools available, instead of building a website with the help of a website builder tool, it’s always recommended to hand your website to an experienced website design company. Because by creating a website you are building an office for your business and you always expect it to be the best there is the reason why you hand it to experience architecture. The same goes for the B2B website. 

Still, if you are not convinced on why B2B companies need a website then here are some reason that you need loot into: 

1. Helps you gain credibility 

and if your website design helps you to gain credibility then you are on the right track of acquiring more customers. Many small B2B businesses lack credibility and most of them are not aware of how they can establish themselves as trusted businesses and how they can build credibility from their brand. 

Today almost everything is searched online and your potential customer will be doing the same. Some of your potential customers might be searching to know more about the product and some may look to check your company’s reputation. That is the reason why it’s important for every B2B business to have a website because your prospects might be looking to get some answers and a website is the best medium to convey that.      

On the other hand, if you are failing to offer a website then your prospects may shift to your competitor’s website. We always recommend getting your website designed by an experienced WordPress web design company so that you are able to build credibility. But the question is how businesses can make their website look professional? 

  • Start with the logo (make your B2B website logo look professional 
  • Make use of optimized and high-quality images on your website 
  • Offer useful content 
  • Make use of whitespace 
  • Make sure your website and content reflects the human sense 

2. Act as your business facade 

As mentioned earlier the website acts as the front door of your business. People who are not aware of the facade then it’s nothing but the front part of the building. The facade of the building plays a cruel role in grabbing visitors’ attention. Not only that but humans tend to predict the interior by looking at the facade of the building. 

In the same way, your B2B website design acts as the facade of your business. By offering a website you are allowing users to predict your business image.  If you want your potential customer to believe you and see your business as professional then it’s important to focus on the website design you are offering to the customer. A website allows your prospects to get to know your business first then make their future decision.  

For example, if you are visiting a different country than before selecting a hotel you take a look at different websites to know more about the hotel so that you are able to make your future decision. In the same way, even if your business name is recommended by your prospects’ closed ones before making any decision they will surely take a look at your website. That is why it’s essential for every B2B business to have a website. 

If you don’t have one then we recommend getting it developed by an experienced B2B website design company.

3. Act as a medium to highlight your product  

Getting a professional-looking website can help you to attract customers but to build credibility you need to highlight the portfolio of your work. Because no one will be convinced to take action on your B2B website design until they are convinced. Highlighting your work can help you persuade your site visitors to take action. 

Mainly if you are into designing or builder then it’s important for you to showcase your work. You can ask your site visitor to view the PDF of your portfolio or you can embed it in your website design. But it’s important to display your work to gain the trust of your audience and prospects. By showing your portfolio you actually highlight how your business functions and what type of work you offer to your clients. 

So you can display it in the form of a gallery, testimonials, videos, artwork, and more. Because the work you are going to highlight is the work that will grab your site visitor’s attention and separate it from other websites. Yes, there are other social media channels that can help you to highlight your work but when it comes to B2B business models, websites are considered one of the best platforms to add and highlight your work. It makes you look professional and helps you to place your work in a way that encourages the site visitor to take action on it.  

4. Improve B2B Customer Service 

Customer service is all about assisting your customer and taking care of them by solving their problems. Helping your customer in every way possible helps you to gain credibility and also makes you look professional. No matter whether you are offering customer service pre-sale or after-sales it will always help your business in many ways. Offering good customer service helps you to persuade your potential customer to purchase your product and service and also revisit your website in the future. 

Mainly if you are operating a B2B business then customer service will play a major role because before a decision-maker takes action on your website they look for an appropriate person with whom they can exchange words.  An earlier text, calls, and emails used to be the one source through which site visitors can connect with the business. But now there are multiple ways like  Adding a live chat feature on your website or analyzing frequently asked questions from customers and displaying it on your web pages so that your site visitors are able to get the answer as quickly as possible. 

This way you are not only offering good customer service but also making your website and business look professional.  In the B2B sector, customer service plays a crucial role in grabbing more eyes by creating a website for your business you can make your business look more authentic and professional. 

5. Act as the digital asset of your B2B business 

You must have head thet people working inside the company are considered as the greatest asset of the company. Yes, it’s true that employees are an asset to your company. The true meaning of assets is nothing but something useful and valuable owned by the company. The website of the business also acts as the digital asset of your company. It is similar to owning a property that can offer you huge growth and have a high value.

When it comes to websites it is considered a long-term marketing platform that can offer you huge returns if utilized properly. The digital asset of your company will remain until you demolish it. We all are living in the marketplace where long-term investment is considered a success mantra website can be one among them. That is the reason why it’s important for every B2B business to have a highly attractive and conversion-centric website.

Best B2B Website Practice To Follow In 2021


1. Start With Research Work 

The first and foremost thing that we recommend to do is to gather all the necessary data by performing some research. The reason why we recommend doing research is that it helps you to get valuable insight about your potential customer, build a buyer persona, and most importantly map your content for the buyer’s journey. If you hire an experienced WordPress web design company for your website then their B2B website design process also starts from doing some research. 

Before you start performing some research we recommend articulating your goals so that you are able to determine how you will be measuring your success during the website planning phase. Most of the time the main goal for a B2B website is to create a website design that makes you look professional, attract more visitors, reduce bounce rate and most importantly encourage customers to take action in your website like filling the signup form, contact your sales agent, and more.

Make sure while doing the research work you get an in-depth analysis of your potential customer website design. By analyzing your competition we are not asking to copy the design ideas you can identify what is working for your sector and what more you can offer to outperform them. Apart from that, you can look into what type of keywords they are using, the products & services offered by them, and more. If you are already running a B2B website then we recommend looking at your Google analytics dashboard to know more about customer’s activity in your WordPress dashboard.  

We recommend that you align your business needs with your customers’ requirements so that you are able to create a website that helps you to accomplish your goals. If you are someone looking to create an effective and lucrative B2B website design that helps you to attract more business then you can hire an experienced B2B website design company. Because the value they can bring to your business is worth every penny you will spend on getting your B2B company website designed.

2. Planning 

The next th8ing we recommend is to plan things like sitemap, navigation, and more to make your further designing process more effective. So you can start with planning the sitemap of your website. The role of the sitemap is to highlight which pages your website will have and where they will be located within your website.  The valuable data that you generated during the research process will play a major in creating the site map for your website. The pages you create should align with the keyword strategy and buyer’s decision process. 

While creating the sitemap of your website focus on cutting down the number of pages to make your website as specific as possible. Not only that but offer persuasive content for each stage of the buyer’s journey. For example, if your business is offering services then the buyer’s journey starts from the home page then goes onto the service page, case studies, and more. In the same way for SaaS businesses, the buyer’s journey started from the homepage, features, pricing, and more. 

Apart from those pages make sure your site map includes pages like terms and conditions, blog page, landing page, thank you page, and more. Once you are done with the sitemap then next we recommend planning website navigation. 

The website navigation and user experience are very much connected to each other so it’s important for every B2B business website to offer streamlined navigation that makes you look professional. The standard navigation approach tells that your navigation should include every category and every web page of your website so that users are able to find things they are looking for in your website.

Nowadays these types of navigation processes are considered time taking and confusing. Your target customers are the decision-makers of the website who are time-poor. So it’s important for you to avoid offering dozens of options instead you can analyze and offer a minimum number of options that make it easy for them to find things that they are looking for on your website. 

If you wish to make your B2B website more effective and conversion-centric then it’s important for you to hire the best B2B website design company for your business. SFWP Experts is an award-winning WordPress website design company working with more than 12 years of experience in building different B2B websites for various industries.

3. Identify what your potential customer wants 

When it comes to designing a website it’s important to understand what actually your potential customers are looking for. If you are targeting other businesses then you must know that every business function is different and their requirements also vary.  When it comes to B2B website design your target users must be savvy internet users so each one of them may look for a website design that makes it easy for them to access the product/service feature, your business information, and more.

As recommended in the beginning before you get started with the designing process it’s important for you to identify the buyer persona and understand their goal and pain point so that you are able to develop a design that grabs their attention and encourages them to take action. If you are aware of what your customers want then you will be able to create an effective and conversion-centric outline for your B2B website. 

Well, If you were designing a blogging website or simple website then we would have recommended doing it on your own but when it comes to B2B website design you need to analyze your customer behavior, your competitors, potential market, and more. In short, there is a lot of research work involved in creating a converting B2B website design. That is the reason why we recommend hiring the best and experienced B2B website design company that can help you to create a more advanced and research-based design that drives more traffic and sales.  

4. Create a design that reflects your brand 

As we mentioned earlier that your website will act as your business facade with its important features to offer a design that fits and reflects your brand. Mainly if you are into the B2B business model then your site visitor might be decision-makers of the company like the CEO’s, CMO’s, and more. By looking at your site they will analyze your business function and professionalism.  

That is the reason why it is important for every business to create a website design that reflects their business. While creating your website design the first thing you think about is consistency in the design. Having a consistent design makes your website memorable and recog8ignable. 

So to build a homogeneous B2B website we recommended starting with creating a style guide. The style guide will maintain the constant look and feel of your B2B website design.  

When we say consistent design doesn’t get confused with the elements and their position. Your style guild will contain the brand color scheme (like the primary color, accent color), font color, font style, image style, and more. Yes, you change the position of the elements in your website design but it’s always recommended to be consistent with colors and fonts. 

If you’re someone with less to no technical knowledge and looking to create an attractive and converting B2B website design then we recommend partnering with reliable and experienced WordPress website design experts that can help you to create a researched-based website that drives more traffic and sales.  

5. Make use of Whitespace 

When it comes to creating a design that makes you look professional the first thing we recommend is to use sufficient white space in your website design. If your business is trying to connect with various decision-makers like CEOs, CMO’s of the company then it’s recommended to make use of whitespace. Most of the B2B businesses that are just getting started might think whitespace might make their website look monotonous. But in reality, it makes the website look clean and organized. 

Adding too many pictures and graphic elements, like video, GIFs, and more can make your website look cluttered which will directly impact the user experience. Apart from that, overloading your website with images and videos makes it difficult for the audience to read your text. Instead, we recommend you make it as simple as possible. 

Adding sufficient whitespace helps you to reduce clutter and make it easy for the user to interact with the element in your website and focus on the critical information. If you are adding CTAs in your website design then highlighting your CTA with color and leaving sufficient whitespace around them can make your CTA more converting.  

6. Strong User experience (UX)

Creating and offering a strong user experience will help you in keeping your B2B potential customers interested and enclosures that they don’t think of about shifting to your competitor’s business. Most of the time savvy users are bound to competitors’ websites if your website is failing to offer the best user experience or if your site visitors are failing to gather the information for which they came to your website. It will automatically create a bad experience that will directly affect your website and business. So while creating the user experience we recommend you to consider the below-mentioned points: 

  • Creating and offering informative and fact-based content 
  • Analyzing your customer expectation and creating content structure according to that  
  • Offering easy site navigation
  • Allows site visitor to contact you easily 
  • Identifying users pain point and highlighting the solution 
  • Make use of social proof to improve the trustworthiness 

Whenever you create your website design it’s recommended to keep your potential users in mind so that you are able to create a design that makes the user’s journey crystal clear. Apart from that making use of crystal clear call-to-action buttons, having a well-developed sitemap, information architecture, and more all come under user experience. 

7. Easy site navigation 

Another important factor of B2B website design is the negative of your website. Whether you are creating a B2C website or a B2B website design the navigation will play a major factor in making and breaking your customer base.  Whenever a user visits your website they look to find the information as quickly as possible. Mainly if your business is targeting other businesses then your website will be visited by some of the important people who might have less time to explore your website. 

If you struggle to find the information they need then probably they will bounce from your website and may select your competitor’s website over your website. In short, we can say the modern navigation of your website can make or break your business. Mainly in B2B business, most of the decision-makers of the business will keep visiting your website to get more information about your business. If you are failing to offer organized navigation then you might predict the consequences of it. 

So when you start creating your website design it’s important to focus on creating easy-to-use navigation that makes it easy for the site visitor to find the information they are looking to know. By making your navigation easy you are making your website accessible to any type of user. If you need further assistance related to website navigation then you can reach out to an experienced B2B website design company for your website.

8. Create and CTA button 

If you’re creating a B2B website then you must have a goal like getting more sales, encouraging people to take action on your website by contacting you, and more. Most of the B2B websites have a goal to encourage their site visitors for email signups, demo, download gated content, and more. It can be only achieved when your visitors are convinced and easily identify where they have to take action. 

For that, you need to create and highlight your call to action (CTA) so that site visitors are well aware of the next step that they have to take. If you want your site visitor to contact you or fill your signup form then you need to place the website CTA at the right position and highlight them with the right color so that they are able to take action on your CTA. 

When creating a CTA button for your website it’s important for you to make your button stand out from the crowd. If your CAST is getting mixed with the text and images then it will become difficult for your site visitor to identify the action they need to take on your website. Apart from that make sure your CTA matches the color scheme of your website. For more detail on how to select the right color for your CTA and website, we recommend going through and understand color psychology

Apart from that we also recommend making your CAT more descriptive. For example, most websites make use of text in the CTA button like “Click here”. This type of text doesn’t tell the audience what actually they have to do or what happens if they click on the button. Making your CTA descriptive helps users to identify where they will land and what will happen if they click on the website. For email using text like “download the guide” “know More ABout US” “Contact us”, and more inside your CTA can make it more descriptive. 

If you are getting your B2B website designed by an experienced B2B website design company then you don’t have to worry about these aspects as they will help you to create the best CAT that is easily identified by visitors and encourages them to take action on it. 

10. Make use of attractive and engaging visuals 

When it comes to B2B website design it always recommends to make it so that it grabs visitor’s attention. But adding no visuals to it can make your design monotonous so it’s recommended to make use of attractive and engaging visuals that grabs your site visitor’s attention. When we say visuals you can make use of photos, videos, graphics, infographics, and more to make your B2b website design more attractive and engaging. 

Most B2B websites fail to select the right visuals that can actually make an impact. Instead, they end up adding multiple visual elements that destroy their website design. So that is the reason why we recommend consulting with an experienced B2B website design company that can help you to create an attractive and conversion-centric website for your business.

11. Highlight value proposition 

Apart from creating attractive CTA, offering optimized site navigation, beautiful color, and more, there are more that goes into website design. These templates and tips are essential to creating an attractive B2B website design but the information that you are going to offer is as crucial as other parts of designing. The content you offer will play a major role in engaging your potion lead. Having a beautiful design will not make an impact until you offer educational and informative content that helps users to know more about your business and how you can solve their problems. 

That is why it is said website copywriting is a crucial part of website design and value proposition is one of the most essential pieces of information on your website. The value proposition is all about highlighting what your business offers to people and how your product and services can help them. Mainly in the B2B business model highlighting value proposition is crucial as it helps decision-makers of other companies to identify more about your business and product.

It’s always recommended to display your value proposition on the homepage of your website because whenever a business will look to know more about your business then they will land on the homepage of your website. Displaying it on the homepage can make the user find the values immediately. You can also make use of eye-catching graphics, texts, and other visuals to draw the attention of the site visitor. 

When creating the value proposition it’s always recommended to keep your audience in the mind and highlight things that your audience may want from you. Points that will convince them to consider your business and product/service as best. No matter whether it’s information about your business, product, features, pricing, and more you need to highlight things that will matter the most to your audience. 

B2B Website Content Tips 

Apart from design the constant also plays a crucial role in making your B2B website design more interactive and engaging. Mainly in the B2B market content plays a crucial role in delivering your idea to your potential buyers. Creating content for B2B websites is not only about SEO and search engine ranking. 

While ranking at the top is essential to drive traffic to your website but filling your website with junk content can drive site visitors aware of your website. Because if your business is targeting other businesses then you need to know that you are communicating with savvy users and decision-makers of other businesses. That’s the reason why it’s important for you to offer research-based content that actually connects with your customers. 

Well, there are a plethora of tips and tricks that you can consider while creating content for your B2B website. Below we are going to list some of the tips that you can consider while creating content for your B2B website. 

Start with creating a plan 

The first thing we recommend is planning out things that mean creating a sitemap of your website (total page in your B2B website design). Once you have the sitemap then you consignment the main navigation pages that will contain the subpages. Every website has a minimum of 4-6 main navigation pages. Creating the sitemap at the beginning offers you an idea about what type of content you can publish depending on the page’s purpose.

Research about your potential customers 

Next, if you have already conducted the research then you must be aware of your potential customer. If not then we recommend doing it now because you are going to create content for them so it’s important for you to analyze your potential customer behavior, education qualification, age, and more 

Create content from the users perspective

One of the common tips that we consider is writing content for your site visitors. The content should not only focus on solving user problems but you should create a constant that answers users’ questions.  For example, if a user lands on your website then they must look to know more about your business and product/service. Your content should help them in giving an in-depth idea about your business and product.  

Break the content copies 

Apart from that, you can make use of heading and paragraphs to make your content more effective and engaging. We also recommend you make use of bullet points to highlight the features and other important lines so that you are able to grab your site visitors’ attention.  

Highlight the benefits 

Most of the companies around love to talk about themselves, highlight their features, achievements, and more. It is good as but while creating content you need to understand human nature. People are concerned about their needs and look for a solution so in the beginning it’s always recommended to get started with highlighting things your site visitor may look like the features of your product and many more. 

Make complex things simple 

One of the biggest misconceptions in the B2B business is that making things complex makes you look professional. But in reality, it’s totally the opposite making complex simple and presenting it in the form of your audience makes you look like a subject matter expert. You can break up complex copies into short and simple paragraphs that make it easy for the visitor to read and understand the content. 

How to Hire a B2B website design Experts? 


Now that you are aware of the best B2B website design practices to use in 2021 next we are going to help to determine some other time that will help you to find the right and experienced website design company for your business. How to hire the best WordPress website design company that can bring value to the business has been the most frequently asked question by almost every business. Mainly today, when there are lots of website design agencies offering services related to web design and development it can be difficult for businesses to find the best one for their B2B business. 

Remember when it comes to creating a B2B website design it’s always recommended to hire an experienced website design agency that has already worked with multiple B2B businesses. Because there is a lot of research work involved when creating a B2B specific website. Today any website design company can offer you a fully functioning design but when it comes to driving traffic and results then there are high chances that your competitor will beat your business and website. That is why its recommend to hire an experienced B2B website design company for your business. So below are the tips that you can consider while selecting a B2B website design company for your business: 

  • Before hiring any website design company make sure to check its reputation 
  • Get a detailed idea about their design process
  • Look for a free mockup 
  • Hire an experienced website who has worked with multiple B2B website design company 
  • Look for a project manager 
  • Check whether they offer SEO service or not 
  • Ask them whether they offer post deliver maintenance or not 
  • The customer support offered by the company 
  • Transparency in the web design process
  • Take a look at their portfolio to get a detailed idea about the designs they have created


By now you must be aware of different design tips that you can consider for your B2B website design. Apart from that, we have also highlighted how you can select the best B2B website design company for your business. Remember your B2B website design will play an important role in helping your business to grow in the competitive marketplace. Having an attractive and beautifully designed website for your business can help you to stand out from the crowd. 

If you are not sure about the website design you have to offer then you can always hire an experienced B2B website design company for your business. SFWP Experts is an award-winning WordPress website design company that can help you to create a result-driven B2B website for your business. If you need any assistance or detail related to B2B website design then you can always reach out to our highly experienced professional with more than 12 years of experience in creating a website design for different industries.