On /by Team SFWP/in Email Marketing, Uncategorized

Email Marketing Series: 10 Effective Email Segmentation Strategies To Implement In 2020

An email marketing campaign is successful only when the analytical report displays growth in the email open and click-through rate. If you are looking to boost your email open rate, increase your click-through rate and decrease the unsubscribe rate. Then start using an email marketing segmentation strategy to pick out the best email that can benefit your business. Continue reading

On /by Team SFWP/in Email Marketing

10 Different Types Of Email Every Business Should Send In 2020

Are you aware of the different types of emails that you should be sending to your subscribers? If not, then you are doing more harm to your website and business by losing lots of subscribers. Today it has become essential to identify different types of email formats to keep your subscribers engaging.  Identifying and sending different types of emails will help you to maintain consistency and build long-lasting relationships with existing as well as new customers. 

The reason why most businesses look to hire a highly experienced digital marketing agency because they not only help in gaining new customers but also ensure to engage them so that they don’t look for other options. Email Marketing has always been the most effective marketing channel for creating product awareness and sales.    From the below statistic by the campaigner, you can identify that email plays a crucial role in the customer purchase process. 68% of people get encouraged after receiving incentive-related emails for making purchases. 


Most of the businesses send emails to their subscribers because they know for every $1 spent on a campaign they are likely to generate $40. That’s why business creates various types of lead Magnets to generate a healthy and effect email list. 

But after generating a healthy email list you should be aware of what type of email you are going to send to your subscribers. Because creating an email list through opt-in forms and the lead magnet is a difficult process that requires a lot of time and effort. And after creating an email list you can’t send the same type of monotonous emails to your subscribers. That’s why it is essential to know about different types of email in email marketing. 

Therefore in this article, we are going to discuss different types of email formats that businesses should be sent to their email subscribers. If you are planning to create an attractive lead magnet then Check our blog on What Is A Lead Magnet? 13 Useful Examples Of Lead Magnet

Before we move ahead with highlighting some of the important types of email let me offer you a small intro of who we are? SFWP Experts is an experienced WordPress website design company with more than 12 years of experience in creating and offering conversion-centric websites for different businesses. Our award-winning digital marketing agency has helped many businesses to create a strong authority and online presence in today’s competitive marketplace.

Why is it important to send different types of emails in Business Communication? 

Every business i.e from small scale to large scale business seek a successful email marketing campaign. Because a successful email marketing campaign can literally boost your revenue and get you more authentic subscribers.  But most of the time they fail to get the desired open rate and click-through rate. Making their email marketing campaign unsuccessful.  

One of the main reasons behind the failure of an email campaign is sending the same content and email template repeatedly to their subscribers. Nowadays users are very smart enough to remember and differentiate between unique and repeated content. And another mistake carried out by businesses is that instead of sending a mix of both value mail and selling mail. They try to send either one of them constantly to boost their sales and gain more visitors to their blog. 

If you constantly try to send a selling mail and value mail then there are chances that your subscribers may get frustrated from your email and they may either mark it as spam or unsubscribe from your mailing list. That’s why it is very much important to send different types of emails to subscribers. And some reports tell sending different types of email can help you in getting high open and click-through rates. Your subscriber may also start anticipating your email.  

Different Types Of Email

 If your business is planning to create and run an email marketing campaign then it is important to know about the different types of email that you can send to your subscribers. 

1. Offer Related Email 

Undoubtedly offer related email grabs subscribers’ attention and has maximum open rate and conversion rate. Most of the companies send these types of emails as a “thanksgiving” for being their loyal customer. And subscribers also enjoy having this type of email in their inbox.  Sometimes offers related emails are used to drive back abandoned cart shoppers

Generally, an offer-related email contains discounts, coupons, and special offers provided by the companies to their subscribers. These types of emails can help you in getting high click-through and conversion rates. 

It is not compulsory that an offer can be a huge discount like 40% or 50% on the product. If your business model does not allow you to offer huge discounts and coupons. Then you can also offer something like free shipping or a small discount like 8% or 10% that can act as a small incentive.


2. Newsletters

An email newsletter is one of the most popular types of email. It is used by almost every email marketer in the world. Because an attractive email can boost your website visitors. It can help you in converting your subscribers into paying customers. 

That’s why it is an important part of email marketing. If you are planning to send an email newsletter then get it verified with an experienced digital marketing agency because an email newsletter can showcase the company’s reputation. A boring and irrelevant content inside a newsletter can frustrate your subscriber and they may unsubscribe from your email list.

Marketers schedule this email newsletter for weekdays to grab their subscriber’s attention. That’s why it is essential to send important and informative content to subscribers. Most of the newsletter is delivered weekly. So check your content before sending it to your subscriber, if you don’t have proper content then don’t forcefully pitch your monotonous content to your subscribers. Check different newsletters examples by HubSpot. 

 If you are looking to craft an enticing email newsletter then Check our blog on 9 Email Newsletter Template Design Tips To Boost Your Engagement and Clicks


3. Welcome Email 

A welcome email is sent by the company after a user subscribes or signs up to their email list. It is one of the most common types of emails that users come across in their daily life. By sending a welcome email you try to show gratitude to your subscriber for becoming a potential lead. 

If you are sending a welcome email to your new subscriber then always remember to show what type of email they are going to get in the future. And always maintain consistency after sending a welcome email. most of the time companies don’t interact with their subscribers after opt-in and because of that, your new subscribers can forget about you. 

Apart from that, it’s always recommended to craft an eye-catchy welcome email that can create a long-lasting memory. By adding humorous comments, Gifs, or something creative you can craft an eye-catchy email. This practice will help your email in getting a higher open and click-through rate. 


4. Announcement Email

Nowadays emails are considered to be the most effective way of announcing an event, offer, and new product. Because most of the users check their email and if you are aware of What Is The Best Time And Day To Send An Email? Then there are more chances of making your announcement email effective and engaging. 

It is really easy to craft an announcement email because your subscriber will focus more on what announcement you are making through that email. And it will also make your subscriber feel special because by making an announcement you are updating your subscribers about the launch of new products and discounts. 

Therefore,  If you are planning to announce an event or product then always prefer to use email because in social media you have to run a sponsored ad to make it reachable to all of your followers.


5. Survey Email 

A Survey email is also important in getting to know about your subscriber’s point of view. It will help you in analyzing what your subscriber feel about your product and what type of update they are looking for. A survey email has helped many companies in improvising their product quality and functioning. That’s why it is important to send a survey email to your subscribers. 

You can prepare a list of questions and send them to your subscribers within the first week. This type of practice will make subscribers think that the company is looking to improve the product experience that’s why they are asking for a survey. And it will also help your company to acquire more customers. Always remember to personalize your survey email campaign as it will help in grabbing subscriber’s attention. 


6. Email related to new product 

If your company is launching or has launched a new product then your subscribers should be the first to know every detail related to that product. Because you are interacting with them through email so there are more chances of converting your subscribers into paying customers. That’s why it is important to craft and send an email related to the new product launch. 

If your company is planning to launch a new product then why send an email after the launch of your product. Instead, you can create an email marketing campaign that can create anticipation.  That is the reason why ist recommended to hire a highly experienced digital marketing agency that can help you to create an attractive and conversion-centric email marketing strategy for your business. 


7. Transcriptional Email

This type of email is mostly used by e-commerce platforms to send the receipt and order confirmation email. Transaction emails also help in recovering an abandoned cart. Most of the eCommerce platforms can give analytics about when users are adding the product to their cart and when they are making the purchase. 

If you have the right tool that can give a track of your user’s activity then it will surely help you in analyzing the time they added the product to the cart and didn’t buy that product. So, you can send them a short email reminding them that they forget to buy the forget. You can also place a CTA button in your email that can redirect the user directly to the cart.  There are top eCommerce sites that send an email like “Product in your Cart is Missing you Click the below link”.


8. Promotional Emails

It is an important type of email that is used by small and large-scale businesses to promote their products and services. The main aim of a promotional email is to convert a subscriber into paying customers. There are many services providing companies that use promotional emails as a medium to send content related to marketing, web design, consulting, etc.  A promotional email can also be used to retain new as well as lost customers. So, you have to be very specific and clear about your goal while crafting a promotional email. 


9. Lead Nurturing 

It is another important type of email that helps businesses in converting their leads to paying customers. These types of emails are crafted and sent on several days and weeks. Lead nurturing emails are 6 times more effective than a normal email. But it requires a lot of time and effort to craft an attractive lead nurturing email.

 You have to be creative enough to create a proper lead nurturing email that can persuade your subscriber to click on a given CTA.  Once you are successful in creating an enticing lead nurturing email then that particular email type will surely boost ROI. You can also reach out to an experienced digital marketing agency to craft an attractive and goal-driven lead nurturing email marketing strategy for your company. 

Lead nurturing emails can also help you in saving your time. Once your lead nurturing campaign is successful then you can create a list of qualified leads and give it to your companies sales team to convert them into customers. 

10. Standalone emails

Nowadays email marketers prefer to craft and send a standalone email that has a single goal to achieve. Because marketers have started to figure out that multiple goals with calls to action links or buttons in an email are not engaging.

Instead of driving conversion, it confuses email subscribers. Most of the subscribers may ignore the email that contains more than 2 CTAs and goals. Even there are chances that your subscribers may click on the first link in your email. But they may not show any interest in coming back to your email to check what’s there in the second link. That’s why I always prefer to send a stand-alone email with a single goal. 

Final Thoughts

If you are creating an email marketing campaign then always remember to send unique and different types of emails to your email list. Because sending different types of email has helped many businesses in generating good revenue. And it will also help in converting your subscribers into paying customers. 

Therefore, after creating an email list try to plan an email marketing strategy that can make your business lucrative and always focus on sending different types of emails to your subscribers. Your subscribers will also appreciate your effort by performing the desired action.  

You can also contact SFWP Experts, a leading digital marketing agency in Los Angeles working with a highly experienced email marketing professional that can help you in planning an effective and engaging email marketing strategy and campaign for your business.  

Frequently Asked Question

1. What Is the Best Free Email Marketing service? 

If you are looking for the best email marketing service for running your email marketing campaign then check the below list to know the top free email marketing service providers which you can select for your business. 

  • Mailchimp 
  • Sendinblue
  • Omnisend
  • SendPlus
  • Mailjet
  • Mailerlite 
  • Benchmark Email 

2. How to set up email marketing? 

If you are looking to set up email marketing then you can follow the below results: 

  • Set up your goal 
  • Using lead marketing and other marketing tactics build your email list 
  • Identify and select the best email marketing service provider
  • Select the type of email you want to send 
  • Create your first email campaign 
  • Craft an attractive email subject line and message 
  • Measure the result

3. Is email marketing still effective?

Undoubtedly email marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness, sales, reputation, customers, and more. Identifying different email types and sending it to your subscriber help you to convert your lead into a paying customer.

4. How can I send the mass email to the customer?

Using email marketing tools you can easily send the bulk email to your customers. However, the number of emails in a day varies depending on the type of plan you have for your business. Let’s check how you can send bulk email to your subscribers

  • Create your email list 
  • Upload your email list or you can import it depending on the options provided by your email  service provider 
  • Select and customize the template 
  • Create your email campaign
  • Create an attractive and persuasive email subject line 
  • Check your email for different devices 
  • Select the segmented email list for which you have created the campaign 
  • Send the email to your subscribers

5. How do you measure the success of email marketing? 

There are different email marketing metrics that can help you to know how your email campaign is performing and what value it is bringing to your business. 

  • Email delivery rate 
  • Open Rate 
  • Click through Rate (CTR)
  •  Bounce rate 
  • Revenue per email 
  • Conversion rate 
  • Unsubscribe Rate 


On /by Team SFWP/in Email Marketing

Email Marketing Series: What is the Best Time and Day To Send An Email?

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies. With the increase in email users, most of the businesses have started to rely on email marketing to generate good revenue. But day by day it is becoming difficult to grab user attention on an email because everyday users are getting tons of promotional email.  That’s why they have started to ignore all these promotional emails.  Continue reading

On /by Team SFWP/in Email Marketing, Marketing Expertise

Email Marketing Series: 10 Tips On Creating An Attractive Email Subject Line

Every day more than  205 Billion emails are sent to the email users and the numbers are expected to increase by 246 Billion before 2021. People receive tons of emails each day and most of the email remains unopened due to many reasons. And one of the most important reasons behind the downfall in email open rate is the email subject line.  Even right now I have around 3,500 unopened emails in my inbox. Continue reading

On /by Team SFWP/in Email Marketing

Email Marketing Series: 8 Important Email Marketing Metrics

Email Marketing is considered to be the most effective way of advertising brands and products. However, it is effective only when you can measure the performance of your email marketing campaign. Email marketing metrics can help you in determining the success of your campaign. Using email marketing metrics you can identify why your customers are not opening your email? how you can improve email open rate? and more. 

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