Email Marketing Series: What is the Best Time and Day To Send An Email?

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies. With the increase in email users, most of the businesses have started to rely on email marketing to generate good revenue. But day by day it is becoming difficult to grab user attention on an email because everyday users are getting tons of promotional email.  That’s why they have started to ignore all these promotional emails. 

About Us:  SFWP Experts is an award-winning San Francisco web design company specialized in offering conversion-centric custom web design services to all sizes of businesses. Our professionals can create highly effective and fully responsive eCommerce as well as a  standard website. We at SFWP Experts have a team of content writing and marketing experts, dedicated to delivering high-quality and fact-based content to educate our audience about the latest trends, tools, tips, and more.

To get rid of this problem companies and marketing agencies have started to figure out various tips and tricks that can help them in grabbing the user’s attention. In our previous blogs on email marketing, we have discussed how to create an attractive subject line. 

And in this article, we are going to draw your attention to one of the most common problems faced by email marketer i.e. “Identifying the Best Time to Send an Email”. 

Email timing has played an important role in making and breaking an email marketing campaign. If you try sending an email at the wrong time then there are chances of getting a low email open rate and click-through rate. Whereas perfect timing can help in having a big impact on the email marketing campaign.         

There are marketers and companies who want to know the best time to send an email to a busy person. Because perfect timing can help them in getting more email open rates and CTR.  

As we are moving ahead in the email marketing series, we have given detailed information on how to boost an email open rate and tips on getting desired email Click-Through Rate. And in this article, we will be discussing what is the best time to send an email?  

What is the Best Day to Send an Email? 

If you are creating an email campaign then you should be aware of the best day for your email. Identifying the best day to run an email campaign can help you in getting a high email open rate and click-through rate. We have collected data from the Get response, and by looking at the graph you can analyze how email open rate and ctr vary on different days. Weekdays have a higher email open rate than weekends because during weekends people are not much active on mobile phones and desktop.

Before scheduling any email marketing campaign you should be clear about two things:

1. Day Vs Night 

If you are planning to run an email campaign then day time is considered to be the most effective than night time. Because people generally prefer to open their email when they are awake and while traveling to their workplace i.e between 9 Am – 10 Am. That’s why mobile devices have a more open rate compared to desktop. You can also analyze your previous data and check what time is perfect for your email campaign. Because sometimes running an email campaign between 7 Pm – 8 Pm also works. 

2. Weekends VS Weekdays 

  • Weekends are the days when people generally go out with their families or friends. And they don’t show any interest in opening their email. That’s why weekends are considered to have less email open rates compared to weekdays. By looking at the graph, you can analyze Saturday and Sunday has the least percentage of open rate compared to other days i.e less than 10%. So, if you are running an email marketing campaign then try to avoid weekends to make your campaign successful.

  • One of the biggest misconceptions among marketers is that Monday’s have a higher open rate than any other day. We have collected data from word stream and by looking at the image you can figure out that compared to other weekdays Monday has less email open. Because people are already upset about the end of the weekend. And while traveling to their workplace they open only important emails by ignoring all those tons of promotional emails that they received on their weekends. So, if you are planning to schedule your email campaign for Monday then take a pause to think about it, analyze your previous data then run your campaign. 
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are considered as the most favorite weekdays to run an email campaign. Compared to other days three days have a higher email open rate and click-through rate. Because people are very much active in their mail application and website. Friday also has a good open rate but only in the day time. By looking at the graph you can figure out that Tuesday and Thursday are the most popular days with the highest email open rate. So, if you are planning to run an email campaign then these three days can help you in making your campaign successful. And you can achieve the desired email open rate and click-through rate percentage.

If you are sending a weekly newsletter then it’s important to know the best day for an email. There are many small companies that send the newsletter on a monthly basis whereas large companies prefer to send emails on a weekly basis. That’s why it is important to know on what day your email campaign can perform better and give your good results out of it. 

According to the Omnisend data, Thursday has a higher email open rate and it is considered as the best day to send promotional emails and newsletters. And second beat day to run an email campaign is on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

If you are looking to know the worst days for email marketing. Then Sunday is the worst day to get the lowest open rate and click-through rate. Wednesday can give you the highest unsubscribe rate. Whereas Monday and Friday can give you the lowest click to open rate and highest bounce rate. 

After analyzing all the data SFWP experts a leading marketing agency in California can differentiate and tell the best day to run an email marketing campaign. Even our email marketing professionals have agreed to the point that Thursday is considered to be the most effective day to get a high open-rate.   

Best days to get a good result from email marketing 

  • Best day to get High Email Open Rate: Thursday 
  • Best day to get High Email Click-through rate: Tuesday 
  • Best day to get High Email click-to-open rate: Saturday

What is the Best Time to Send an Email? 

Email send time also plays an important role in deciding whether your email campaign is going to make or break the relationship with your customers. And the study says that an untimely email can increase your unsubscribe rate and spam rate. You have to be very careful in deciding the best time to send your email. Because timing plays an important role in converting email subscribers into paying customers. 

So we have collected various data to give you an idea about the best time to send an email to your subscribers.

According to GetResponse Data, 10 AM and 1 PM has higher email open rate compared to other time. People like to open mail at 10 AM because after arriving at the workplace they like to have their morning coffee and check email to see things that are there in the inbox. And 1 PM because that’s the lunch timing and most of the officials and employees check their email after completing their Lunch. If we talk about the email click-through rate then  6 PM has higher CTR because that’s the time when people return to their home.

According to Superoffice, late afternoon is considered to have higher email open rate. Because that’s the time when people are active on their mobile devices and desktop to check their mailbox. If you try sending a promotional email at unconventional time then there are chances that your email might be ignored by your subscribers. 

A study says that 23% of the emails are opened within the 90 minutes after delivery and after 24 hours the chance of getting an email opened are likely to plummet by 1%.  Because there are a lot of companies that are trying to target almost every person that belongs to their niche by sending promotional emails. Every hour users are bombarded with tons of email and your email may disappear from users eye after 24 hours. That’s why it is important to know the best time to run an email campaign. 

Therefore from the GetResponse and SuperOffice data, you can figure out that 10 AM and 1 PM have higher email open rates and most reliable time to plan and schedule an email marketing campaign. 

However, It is hard to determine the perfect timing because there are a lot of data available on the internet that can give you different timing option to run an email campaign. Some are based on the agency’s previous data whereas some are contradictory. it is not compulsory that your timing should be similar to other agencies timing. 

Now you might be wondering how this article will help you in determining the perfect timing? 

These data will help you in getting an idea about the average open time of an email. You can run various A/B tests to know about your audience’s email open time. Because your competitors are already aware of the best time to send an email to their audience. Now you have to start from somewhere so you can analyze the above data and make a plan that can help you in determining the best time for your email. 

When your competitors started to run their email campaign. Then they were not aware of the perfect timing to send an email. But now you have sufficient data through which you can run various tests and analyze the perfect timing. There are chances that you may succeed in your first attempt. So, don’t think too much about the best time to send an email instead you can run various email campaigns and get the perfect timing for future emails. 


Email marketing time and day play an important role in determining the success of your email marketing campaign. There is a lot of contradictory information available on the internet that can mislead you and make your campaign successful. So, always analyze your previous data to get the detailed information about the best timing and day to send an email. If you are new to this field then you can use the above data and run a few A/B tests to get the perfect time and day depending on your audience and industry. 

SFWP Experts is one of the reputed & award-winning companies in California that has helped many brands and companies in creating an enticing marketing strategy. Contact us If you are looking to generate a good ROI from email marketing. We have got Email marketing experts that can assist you in identifying the perfect day and time for your email marketing campaign.  

Data Source: