First things first, we are not talking about bounce rates of balls, we are talking about bounce rates of a website.
It’s pretty similar to window shopping that we all are very fond of. When a new customer visits a website for the first time looking for something he or she wants, but most of the time they won’t find what they are looking for and will close the website.
Don’t get me wrong here as the product/info they want is available on the website but the problem is that they weren’t able to navigate through the website to find what they want. Of course, companies will lose money because of this. This happens very often. In an analysis by KissMetrics, it’s shown that the average bounce rate for a website is 40.5% and most of them are new visitors.
If the bounce rate reduction of your website is the priority that you want to get through, SFWPExperts is the thriving website design company in Los Angeles, can help in engaging your visitors through attractive web designs and make them stay longer to be fed in your customer’s database asap.
So if you own a website, we are pretty sure that you have experienced the same. Don’t worry we are going to share with you five easy ways to decrease your bounce rate.
- Focus on Attracting the Right Audience
Keywords are very important in fact they will decide whether you are going to get any search in the first place. Given their importance people started to mess with keywords to optimize their website and that really affects others. For example, when you search for the word ‘one’ (as in numbers) you will get all sorts of musicals, blogs, etc., instead of the matter, you are looking for!
Basically, all you have to do is optimize the correct keyword that directly represents your business, so that people will know and find what they are looking for and will stop bouncing. (Most them at least)
- Reconsider Your Site Navigation
We all know bounces will happen when people couldn’t find or don’t know how to get to the content. Yes, Even if you have the best content in the entire website, your bounce rate will increase, if your website lacks proper navigation. It should be proper, simple, and appealing to the eye.
- Show Targeted Content to First Time Visitors
First-time visitors tend to bounce more than the regular ones. It may be due to the fact that they don’t know what to do when entering your site. Show some demos or tutorials for them to understand First-time about your site and try to great them every time.
- Use Content Recommendations to Increase Engagement
We encounter content recommendations most of the time in the form of advertisements and other dialogues and for a good reason too. These recommendations help the companies to make more money by making people go through these recommendations and customers also enjoy these types of benefits.
- Be Mobile-Friendly
Lastly, be mobile friendly. In this modern era where more than 2 billion+ smartphones were being used, being a mobile-friendly website is a must. If your site is not optimized for mobile then your bounce rates will increase drastically. For instance, there are over a billion websites that are not optimized for smartphones and they suffer a lot of bounce rates.
Are you knowing that the bounce rate of your website is also affecting the factor for SEO? SFWPExperts – A WordPress website design company has a say that, if you want to keep the bounce rate of your website low consider making your site user-friendly, easily accessible, effortless navigation and offering great user experience to make it compatible from an SEO perspective.