Do you own a reputable e-commerce website, and found that your traffic is getting pretty low lately! Maybe there are not many as there used to be before on the internet. Well you are wrong there are more people on the internet than ever before, and it’s rapidly increasing every day (number of internet users).
So what is causing the drop in traffic? It may be due to the fact that more and more people are using smartphones to access the internet. While 59% use their smartphones for online shopping. And that’s the prime reason that your traffic is dropping because your website or commerce isn’t mobile friendly.
So if you are looking for how to increase conversion rates for mobile commerce, you are at the right place.
Follow these simple methods for improving your mobile-commerce.
- Searchers Versus Browsers
Searchers and browsers are the two categories of people that explore the internet for inspiration or hopefully for products. Searchers might end up buying products from your site while browsers are looking for inspiration.
Don’t disappoint them. Try to make your homepage as simple as possible with inspiration, so that both them will benefit from your website while generating revenue for you.
- Speed Is Key
Mobile phones lack the capabilities of the computer both in computing power and storage.
It means that if your website isn’t optimized every now and then (at least once an hour) the mobiles will struggle to load the site increasing load time. Which is not a good thing?
The speed of internet is increased drastically when compared to previous years, so if the average load time of your site is greater than 1.6 seconds people will thinking that your site pretty slow. Which true? Slow load times will also affect your SEO score in the Google search.
So keep your website optimized. By compressing data or using other tools.
- Use The Tools
As mentioned earlier you can use tools to make your life much easier, and one such tool is Google analytics and other Google tools that will help you for increasing your conversation rates.
- People Use Many Screens
Computers are much more reliable and safe when you are doing online shopping this reflects in the way people abandon their shopping carts on mobiles and move to the desktop for placing the order, as much 51% people do the same. So use the methods like mailing to regain the customers you lost.
- Think Mobile
Mobile commerce has just begun, and it will grow leaps and bound in the future so stay updated and keep investing one day all your efforts will pay off 🙂
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