Recently, Our world has come across a highly contagious disease/virus called Coronavirus “ COVID19”. WHO (World Health Organization) has proclaimed COVID19 as a global pandemic. After the WHO declaration, many countries and businesses have started to take all the safety measures to avoid COVID19.
Due to the pandemic, many small and large scale businesses are facing a major breakdown in their revenue and expected to increase if the COVID19 grows. The consequences of pandemics are directly going to affect the businesses that are already in the market or planning to launch this year.
If you are looking to know how small businesses are keeping them afloat during COVID19 crisis then check our blog on Assistance Offered By The Federal Government To Help Small Businesses Fight COVID19 Crisis
Today, almost every human in the world is worried about the COVID19 pandemic. Not only humans but many industries like marketing, advertising, travel and more are distressed about the outcome of the Coronavirus pandemic. You can check the Worldometer website to track coronavirus active cases, deaths, recovered people across the world.
Humans and businesses are puzzled with so many questions like How humans will survive if the pandemic grows? How it will impact the world economy? How many employees will lose their jobs? and what will I do if I get infected with COVID19?
Yes, these questions may frighten you, but the world is telling you to prepare for the worst. There are chances that everything may go back to normal once the effect of the virus starts alleviating. If you want your business to sustain after effects then it is important to know how various industries are tackling COVID19, what will be the impact in the future? And how companies are trying to get things back on track?
It is uncertain that we don’t have an answer to all the questions. But our team has successfully managed to gather all the information that a person should know during the COVID19 pandemic crisis. No matter which industry you belong to, knowing this information will surely help you to discover the right answers for most of your questions.
After observing the COVID19 impacts we can say that we are in the middle of an unusual crisis. It all started with the health crisis and soon it became an economical crisis and if the pandemic becomes more contagious then it will surely impact fiscal policy.
With the massive outbreak, we are fighting with a virus without a vaccine. Yes, countries are claiming that soon they will discover the cure but a short term crisis will affect human lives, small and large scale businesses and mainly the global economy.
Both the public and private sectors are trying their best to tackle the spread of COVID19. Reserve banks and governments are taking all the necessary actions to stabilize the economy and financial market. Unfortunately due to the increase in the number of infected people, stabilizing the economy and infections will take time. Until and unless the government comes up with some unique decision to fight COVID19 pandemic.
So in this article, we will be discussing the problem and impacts of COVID19 pandemic on various industries and how companies are responding to the Coronavirus pandemic.
What are the problems faced by the Marketing, Advertising, and other industries due to COVID19 Pandemic?
With the increase in the number of COVID19 positive cases, most of the companies have downgraded their ad spending forecast by 692 billion in 2020. The reduction in amount is due to China because China is considered as the second ad market. Therefore the reduction in their ad market will affect the global figures.
Not only the marketing and advertising industries, but the lockdown of seaports, international travel, schools, factories, and other places to work are paying the heaving price for COVID19. If we talk about, 2002-2003 SARS pandemic world almost lost tens of billions and it had the worst impact on the world economy. By seeing the recent COVID19 pandemic, we can say that this time loss will be much larger and long-lasting.
According to the latest report by Statista, the advertising industry is facing huge losses because of the COVID19 pandemic. In the early march, US ad agencies lost billions of dollars due to top pandemic their revenue dropped to 10.6% and expected to decrease if the pandemic effect grows more in the US and around the world.
From the latest update, the number of active coronavirus cases is increasing in the US which may lead to the economic crisis. Recent stock market results clearly show how the world economy has slowed down Many industries have been hit by the COVID19 pandemics including travel & tourism, airlines. Cruise lines and many more.
If you want to know more about COVID19 impact of small business then check our blog in How Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Are Getting Affected By COVID19 Pandemic? What They Are Doing To Avoid Those Losses?
Whereas on another hand, Digital media consumption is increasing because consumers are spending more time at home. So it’s early to predict what will be the overall impact on ad industry revenue in 2020? Moving ahead we will discuss the impact of COVID19 on the marketing and advertising industries and how ad agencies are getting affected due to the supply chain crisis?
Impact of COVID19 Pandemic on the Marketing
With the outbreak of COVID19, many marketing agencies have stopped taking new initiatives for new product launches. It’s because they are finding it difficult to understand their potential customer’s behavior during the pandemic. There are other factors involved like layoffs, isolation and many more impacting the revenue.
Coronavirus pandemic has affected SEO & Affiliate industries in terms of traffic and conversion. With the increase in the COVID19 positive cases website with millions of visitors are facing difficulties in driving organic traffic.
If you look at the graph then almost every industry is failing to drive organic traffic. Mainly, the travel industry has been hit badly by the COVID19 pandemic, almost every country has stopped functioning of international flights and locked down many airports. Due to that travel companies are offering a huge discount on holiday packages and hotel booking to cover up the losses made during the pandemic.
But if your industry falls under selling foods online & news/media then your organic traffic might be escalating. Currently, news/media platforms are getting an immense amount of traffic due to the increase in positive cases.
That’s why many news/media sites have started to offer paid subscriptions for premium articles. And the good thing is that people want to know more about the pandemic effects and damages that’s why they are showing interest in buying subscription plans.
If we talk about eCommerce then it has a mixed impact for example if your business is into delivery groceries online then you might be getting huge traffic. Whereas if you are into selling Home or kitchen applications then your product might be driving less organic traffic.
Many reports claim that if coronavirus starts increasing then it may benefit a few Platforms like mobile gaming and streaming services. Both platforms are driving huge organic traffic due to COVID19 isolation. Most of the countries have asked their citizens to isolate themselves by spending more time inside the home. Due to that streaming channels like Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go and many more are getting huge traffic and people are buying the subscription pa=lan offered by the theme.
The same goes for the mobile gaming industry only the difference is that it’s getting a good response from the age group between 17-28. while seating alone people are spending time either by reading books or playing mobile games.
So through these platforms, digital advertising is still sustaining. But out of home advertising is affected badly because people are staying at home and advertisers are not showing interest in publishing any new ads until the impact of COVID19 reduces.
Impact of COVID19 Pandemic on the Advertising industry
Many Ad publishers have stated that COVID19 has already started affecting the ad industry. According to Mark Thompson (Times CEO), their advertising revenue may fall at 10% by this quarter (source Axios).
He stated that due to “uncertainty and anxiety” caused by the COVID19 pandemic they are seeing a huge drop-in the ad bookings. Later he said that Times subscription plans are getting a good response and may fill up for advertising losses.
Not only NC Times but almost every ad agency has seen or is going to see the slump in domestic and international advertising bookings. Only the difference is that large Ad agencies may cover these losses within a short span of time (depending on the impact of COVID19). However small or medium-sized ad agencies may face some difficulties while covering their annual losses due to coronavirus.
There are advertising analysts and researchers predicting if the coronavirus is contained with less disruption then the ad budget can be shifted to later this year. However, if the pandemic continues significantly, that could impact the ad agency’s revenue and profit.
What impact will the supply chain have on ad spending?
Supply chain losses can lead to economic losses. One way the company could alleviate the losses is by reducing the ad spent. Whenever a crisis occurs in the supply chain industry, both digital and traditional ads get affected. These types of situations have occurred many times but this time we don’t know until when the COVID19 is going to last. So, we can’t predict the exact number.
There are other steps that the company would take to mitigate those losses. But traditional ads and digital ads are going to get affected badly. Mainly digital ads because digital ads spending are easy to change or stop. According to the CNBC report, Facebook ads may get affected followed by GOOGLE Ads.
Other than digital ads, out of home advertising is most susceptible due to the COVID19 impact. The spending growth rate has reduced from 2.5% to 0.7% because people in China are quarantined due to COVID19.
Many countries have instructed their citizens to stay isolated and maintain social distancing. So, if people are not coming out then the advertiser may not show any interest in advertising their products. Any company looking to advertise their new products may postpone their out of home advertising due to COVID19 pandemic.
Today many ad agencies are worried whether the 2020 Olympics will take place in Tokyo or not. Because the Olympics are the major advertising event. If the 2020 Olympic gets canceled then it will significantly hurt their revenue and the global ad spending market this year. With the recent report, Tokyo has clearly mentioned that the 2020 Olympic will not be disrupted due to the COVID19 pandemic.
How COVID19 has affected the Supply chain industry?
If we talk about the coronavirus impact on the supply chain then in simple words COVID19 has crushed the supply chain industry. Most of us know that China was badly hit by COVID19 more than 3000 people have died and more than 70k people have been tested positive with Coronavirus pandemic.
Not only China but many countries have suffered a major slump and losses by shutting down (temporarily) their factories, shops, and restaurants. China being the leading global manufacturer, suffered a huge loss by putting the brake on various manufacturing units and factories that indirectly affected the world economy.
According to recent research conducted by Bloomberg, China’s industrial output dropped to 13.5% in the start 0f 2020, their January and February retail sales fell to 20.5% and fixed investment dropped to 24.5%. The three percentages are sufficient enough in deciding the effect of COVID19.
Apple has clearly mentioned that the company may fail to meet its fiscal second-quarter financial because Apple drives more than 15% of its revenue from China (the leading manufacturer of iPhone) which is badly affected by the COVID19 pandemic.
However, recently airbus has shown hope to the people by restarting its assembly line in china. General Motors also started its production with a minimal workforce. Recent news has forecasted that China is slowly coming back on the track by reopening most of the business places. The government of China is taking all the necessary steps in keeping its people safe and bringing back the industries. Hopefully sooner or later if China succeeds in containing the virus then the supply chain industry may rumble back into action.
Coronavirus pandemic has affected many lives and businesses. Most of the businesses around the globe have already started to see the impact of COVID19. The global economy totally depends on the behavior of COVID19 on human life. If the virus grows then surely we have to face the consequences on human lives, the global economy and more.
Lastly, we hope that the COVID19 pandemic passes soon without doing much damage to the lives and businesses. Our team is effortlessly gathering all the information related to the impact of COVID19 on the market and global economy. In the future articles, we will be discussing the impact of COVID19 on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s), the impact of coronavirus on affiliate marketing, SEO and many more.
Frequently Asked Question
1. What is Coronavirus disease?
Coronavirus also called COVID19 Pandemic is a new contagious disease rapidly spreading across the globe. It can be passed from one person to another person through body contact, droplets of cough, sneeze and more (remember COVID19 doesn’t spread through air). Organizations like the World health organization, Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Johns Hopkins are monitoring the spread of COVID19 Pandemic.
2. What is the treatment for the coronavirus disease?
For now, there is no specific medicine or vaccine for Coronavirus. Doctors are taking necessary steps to reduce the effect of symptoms. But many countries like Israel, China, the US, and India are claiming that they have already started testing the vaccine for COVID19. According to the recent update, the US has begun testing the COVID19 vaccine on humans.
3. What happens when you get the coronavirus disease?
The worst part of coronavirus disease is it starts showing all the symptoms after 4 -5 days. However, from day one your body will start showing the initial stage symptoms like a dry cough, fever, and dizziness in the body. it’s not that every person infected with COVID19 dies, there are more than the 100,000 people recovered from the COVID19 pandemic.
4. Should I Travel during the coronavirus outbreak?
COVID19 is a highly contagious disease so for now traveling or getting in touch with any person is a bad idea if the person is infected then you may get infected too.COVID19 doesn’t spread through the air but if you get in touch with COVID19 positive person then there are chances that you may get infected with the pandemic. So if you want to secure yourself then its better to postpone your travel and stay back at your home.
5. Who is most at risk for the coronavirus disease?
From the recent result, people of all age groups can get infected due to coronavirus pandemic. However, older people (50+ age) are at higher risk and even if you have any pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart problem and many more then you should secure yourself because the recent report shows people falling under these conditions have higher chances of getting infected and sick due to COVID19.
6. How long should I stay in home isolation if I have coronavirus disease?
If you are already tested positive with coronavirus disease then it’s better to stay at home until the secondary transmission risk reduces. You can consult with your doctor about your health status and depending on that you can take a decision on discontinuing home isolation. For now, most of the countries are recommending their citizen to say isolated until the future update and notice on COVID19 pandemic
7. What are the symptoms of Coronavirus Disease?
In the initial stage, your body may show symptoms like dry cough, fever, body ache, breathing difficulties and headache. If COVID9 grows then your body may start showing symptoms like pneumonia, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), kidney failure and lastly death. You should know that in the initial stage most of the people fail to recognize the COVID19 and it takes 3-14 days to show the fully developed symptoms of coronavirus. So, if your body is showing any initial stage symptoms of COVID19 then it’s recommended getting the treatment as early as possible
8. What is the recovery time for the coronavirus disease?
After analyzing various data of coronavirus positive cases doctors have come to the conclusion that for mild cases it may take 2-3 weeks. Whereas patience showing more developed symptoms may take 3-6 weeks to recover from the higher contagious disease coronavirus.
9. Can the coronavirus disease spread through the air?
Till today there are 0 cases of Airborne spread and many doctors have claimed that coronavirus can’t be transmitted through the air. So, from the available evidence, we can tell that COVID19 can’t spread through the air.
10. How long does the coronavirus last on the surface?
Many studies suggest that coronavirus lies on the surface but it’s difficult to determine the exact timing. Reports suggest that the COVID19 virus may survive for a few hours or days depending on its effectiveness