Google Dedicates Developers Team to Speed up Development of WordPress Ecosystem

Smartphone’s are becoming pretty common these days with more than 3 billion users and increasing. It’s widely used for browsing the web, which is supported by various reports. So Google decided to join with the WordPress community to improve the website experience in mobiles. WordPress runs 59% CMS (market share) websites which is 29% of all websites, it will only make sense for Google to partner with WordPress to achieve their goals.

With the emphasis on speed for past 8 years, Google had now dedicated Developers team to speed up the development of WordPress ecosystem.

Its main goal being increases the WordPress’s ability to support new web technologies and improve mobile experience. They even started hiring new WordPress developer professionals for the same.

Google announced that a new update will be rolled in july 2018, which also includes mobile index. Which is used to rank SERPs in mobile website versions?

In 2015 Google launched AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages Project to help brands to decrease the page loading time in mobiles. While pushing others to do the same but reported that it was a slow process with only .1% using markup language.

In an event at US called WordCamp the largest WP developers event Google stated that


 “Our goal was to engage with the WordPress community and start a discussion around the performance of the WordPress ecosystem.”


 It is taken from the article written by Alberto Medina, Developer Advocate in the Content Ecosystems Team at Google.

In recent years due to various factors like code bloat, security issues, performance issues were pretty common in WordPress based websites, developers will also agree with the same!

For the most part it’s evident that non WordPress based websites performed well when it came to mobiles and Google intend to solve the same issue.

In another article Medina writes that Google is now advancing the WordPress performance in all aspects to match it to the current web standards at a rapid pace.

He also adds, that he spoke with the senior SEO Analyst at CBS Interactive Jon Henshaw, who told


“I’ve been waiting for someone to tackle PWA-related features/plugins for WordPress for a while. Most attempts I’ve seen, including one from Mozilla, have fallen short. The additions I would most like to see are service workers and low-bandwidth/offline content built into the CMS.”


Lastly Google is simply trying to boost the WordPress platform by using all its resources, so that brands and web browsing customers would profit alike, and it will take time before it can overcome all other non WordPress platforms.